Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Return of the Soaker

After a long hiatus from soakers/ shorties/ longies I have returned! I am currently working on a size small soaker (using the Retro Soaker pattern from 100 Knitting Patterns) using Patons SWS (Soy Wool Stripes) in blue/ brown for a friend. It's nice to be working on a soaker again! It works from the waistband down, and I have just finished the waistband and eyelet holes. I like!


hook and needle said...

What fab yarn! Seriously, I love that colorway!

hook and needle said...

Have you heard about the new drama collection site? Apparently this group of anonymous "authors" gather discussions from BBC and keep them live and comment-able after they are shut down on BBC. I just found it today.

Michelle said...

I'm pretty sure I know the one you're talking about, LOL! I bookmarked it to my old computer, and we just upgraded so the link is lost until we move our files over...that's definitely my new Saturday-night-and-I'm-not-doing-anything reading :P Cracks me up!