I have been a busy bee this weekend. :)
First up is something I sewed, not knitted. It's a little sundress, size medium but it's supposed to be about 13-16 lbs. The back straps are buttoned on and have 2 buttonholes so you can adjust the length of the straps, then there are two buttons on the back...I have to point those out because I think I found the cutest buttons for the job! The hem isn't quite finished, I have to handstitch it in place and I don't think I'm going to get to it tonight. I also have enough fabric left to make a matching bonnet (another new pattern), so that's my next sewing project.

And here is the finished longies, hat, and booties set.

Here is a closeup of the booties. While they are cute, I'm not sure how functional they'll be. The straps don't seem to want to stay on the buttons (probably should have bought bigger buttons). So while they're cute, I'm not sure I'll make them again.

And the matching hat. This I LOVE. I was supposed to use 10.5 needles (circular and dpn), but the largest dpn I have is 8 and I tend to knit loose so I decided to try it with my 8's. The width around is fine but I should have added a little length to the hat to make up for the smaller needles. I have a little of this yarn left so I think I'm going to try the hat again, just slightly longer this time. The ribbon/ eyelet row I added myself; in the original pattern, there were two roses for embellishment, but I thought this yarn is busy enough on it's own, so the monotone ribbon seemed a nice touch. My husband thought I should have gone pink (the camera flash sort of took out the hot pink highlights) but I'm really happy with the black ribbon.

Happy knitting and sewing,
I love the yarn you chose for Saartje's booties, how cute! I wish I could sew like you... I just do pillows. (Golly, pillows, blankets... I think I have an obsession with sleep...)
How's the pregnancy going? Have you been talking to Toby about the new sister?
Funny you should mention it...I'm trying to talk dh into buying a little baby doll to help teach T how we treat babies, and so when the baby comes, he has something he can feed, diaper, etc. DH is still giving me the "I don't know..." but I think I will win him over. I am having some complications this time around, but thankfully nothing that sends me on bedrest, they just have to keep a close eye on the baby, so lots of extra u/s.
I had never sewn baby clothes until the rompers a few months ago...I had experience with lots of sewing (working in a costume shop will do that for you!), but baby clothes are so easy and fast! They tend to have simple lines, and the dresses are even easier than rompers because no elastic. It's also nice that they only take about a yard of fabric and not much time either, so a great way to accomplish a whole project in an afternoon or weekend!
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