Thursday, December 20, 2007
Taking a Break
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Finished Bumblebee Backpack
Here is the front of the backpack:

I really wasn't sure how this would turn out - I'm always nervous when trying something new, but I'm thrilled with the end result. The felted fabric is nice and thick, and is the perfect size for him to take a change of clothes, diapers, and a cup with him to MOPS. I know he's going to love it, and as tempting as it is to give it to him now, I'm saving this one back for Christmas. It's just killing me to wait though, lol!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Bumblebee Backpack
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Ooh, I HAVE to try this!
SO.....I turn to my trusty resource, Knitting Pattern Central, and look what I found! This pattern for a felted backpack is too cute! While I love the backpack just the way it is written, I'm going to be cheap and use what I have here at home...some yellow and black, I'm thinking stripes!
I have one project that I've been procrastinating on that I will make myself finish before starting the backpack, just because the lure of the backpack will make me knit faster :)
Maybe, just maybe, I can finish it before Christmas and it can be wrapped under the tree.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Lesson Learned

You can't really see the differences in the pic, as I strategically overlapped the two, but they are definitely different! Oops! :) Not a huge difference, and they are probably usable, especially if DD has one foot about 1/2 inch longer than the other. LOL!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Ok, Last Diaper Post (I promise!)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Anyway, I seriously love these booties...I should make one for my own kiddo! Will have to work that in around everything else I've been up to lately...can't post pics until after Christmas though...that will be one heck of an update post!
Friday, November 9, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007
More shirt painting!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Knit out?
I need to get around to some more painting, maybe I will get to that this week or weekend. I have the ideas in my head, I've just been unmotivated lately.
The other project in my mind (not sure if I'll get to this or not) is to make a new carseat cover for my infant seat. I don't really NEED it, but it would be nice to have two so if one is in the laundry I have an extra...but creating a pattern from an existing cover sounds challenging, and while I'm sure I CAN do it, I'm not sure I want the hassle of doing it.
I have to admit, the idea for that one is directly related to the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt (sound intruiging?). It's a semi-annual hunt through different online stores for an icon - finding the icons puts you in drawings for some great prizes. This is my third hunt...haven't won anything yet, but maybe this is my time! I could sure use some cute new fluff! Back to the point at hand, I saw some sewn carseat covers in luscious minky, but yikes, the price they put on those is enough to give one gray hair! So I thought I'd be smart and make my many other projects in the queue right now...not sure I should embark on that journey. Oh well, maybe someday I will get to it...probably by the time my kids are out of the carseat, lol.
Anyway, if you're interested in some great new sites to check out (many are WAHM sites with some very interesting products you can't find in stores), check out the sponsor list for the hunt. Many of the sites sell cloth diapers, but some of them have nothing to do with diapers...there are some interesting sites that sell homemade soaps and candles, etc...great ideas for Christmas gifts. When I happen upon a particularly intersting site, I will try to remember to link it here.
Well, if you couldn't tell this was my attempt at procrastination this morning. I should be working on my grocery list (how mundane!) and then DS and I are headed for the park, should it warm up (it was in the 30's this morning! Brrrrrrrrrr!). And maybe at naptime I can squeeze out that other bootie.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Old Man Winter, Bring it On!
This set whipped up in no time this weekend. It's nice to do a super quick project! The hat and mitts are for my DS, age 19 months. They are knit from Lion's Pride was really nice to work with, and not scratchy at all. I hope the wool provides a little extra warmth for him. I will probably have to crochet a cord for the mitts, but for now DS is enjoying playing with them so I'll leave the cord for closer to a time we might use them. For now, it's still in the 70's each day, but you just never know when winter will decide to blow in.

Thursday, October 25, 2007
More fabric painting

Friday, October 19, 2007
Little White Sweater

Hancock Fabrics had a GREAT sale today - I got 5 Macalls patterns for $5!!! I'm increasing my pattern collection of baby/ toddler outfits. I wish there were more cute patterns for boys, but what I found was too "cutesy" for my taste...I prefer the jeans and t's on boys I guess. And I think I like sewing for girls because I can sew dresses in your non-typical little girl fabrics, making things you just can't find in the store. Oik, enough rambling.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Little Pink Bonnet

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Here Come the Dinos!

Off to knit an i-cord so I can be done with these pants!
(And PS, did a load of purple this weekend. I am very good at dyeing DARK, not so good at light - meaning, I wanted lavender, ended up with regular purple. It looks nice, just not how I was going. So more experimentation needed there)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Fabric Painting!
I did a load of orange last night, this tee and 2 diapers. Then today I sucked up all my courage and dipped the brush in the paint (I have bad luck with paint)
Actually, I did the pink onesie first as practice since I have loads of onesies, and after that turned out well, I did the dino for my DS. I can't wait until it dries so I can wash it and try it on him!

Anyway, I have tons of ideas floating through my head right now.
And as a final thought, did anyone catch the season premier of Family Guy? Hats off, it was hilarious! Of course, I love Star Wars anyway, but dh and I were both just rotfl...very funny!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Pink Rosebuds on a Dress
Front view
Back view
While I love this dress, it was a royal beeeyyyooottttcch...or rather, my machine was. I am so ready to chuck that thing out the window. I don't know why it keeps flubbing up on me but the bottom bobbin is just acting up constantly. It took me over 2 hours to sew the 6 buttonholes on this dress - something that should be done in 10 minutes, TOPS. I was so mad I ate a whole sleeve of cookies (I know, not the best coping mechanism, but I was MAD). DH's response? "We can't afford another sewing machine. You probably need to clean it out." Maybe I should chuck it at him.
Despite my machine's efforts to thwart me, I did manage to finish the dress in one day and I do love it (although I think it will take me 2 weeks before I don't think about ripping out all those buttonholes again and again every time I see it). I want to make a matching hat or bonnet (haven't decided which), but I don't have the energy to even look at the machine right now. That beyotch is not on my good side.
In other news, my Dharma order came in! Hooray! I didn't think it would make it here until next week, but I opened my mailbox today and to my very pleasant suprise, there was a large polymailer in there full of beautiful white shirts! I have 4 t's for my toddler, a slew of long sleeve t's for the baby (long sleeve t's are very hard to find for infants) and one long sleeve cotton dress that I couldn't resist (plus, I got the price break at 12 articles of clothes and that was just the perfect 12th). I'm currently finishing up dying on of my toddler long sleeve t's and 2 prefold diapers Orange. It's a very dark orange...I was expecting lighter, but oh well. If all goes as planned I will paint a dino on the shirt tomorrow...DS is very into dinos right now.
And from there it will be embroidering matching dinos on the blue longies...
Ahhhhhh, my long long list of projects!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Purplicious Longies

I also found this in my "wanted to try this pattern" box. The color had ended up a little girly for my DS and though the arms fit him (yes I tried it on him :P), it's more like a cropped sweater so I'm adding it to the package to send to my friend. Hope she can get some use out of it!
I'm not sure what's next. I think I'll start a pair of adult mocs. I also ordered a nice box of dyable infant and toddler shirts, which should arrive sometime next week. When I get those I'll continue dying diapers and toss some shirts in with the diapers. I bought some fabric paint this week and stencils so I can stencil on the front of the t's.
I've been thinking about how to embroider my blue longies for DS, and I think what I'm going to do is dye a shirt for my DS orange and paint a blue dinosaur on it, then embroider orange dinosaurs on the pants to make a matched set. I'm not dead set on it yet, but that's the tentative plan, anyway.
Ok, off to watch the end of CSI (I can't wait for the season premier next Thursday!) and decide what to work on next!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Baby Blues and BabyLegs Too
First up are the blue longies I knitted for my DS last week. These have short rows in the tush and a gusset in the crotch. I haven't woven in the ends yet because I think I'm going to try my hand at embellishing them and I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but I figure I'll wait and finish them up then. I also need to add an I-cord but I'm going to wait on that too. I'm still thinking...
And here are my homemade baby leggings. I picked the knee-socks up at WalMart this week, but I wasn't sure how the sizing would run. The smaller 2 pair are from girls Small knee highs and the larger ones are girls Large. I think the small ones might be great for a newborn, but I think the larger ones would probably do just as well, so I'll wait and see before I buy any more. These don't take long at all to whip up - maybe 20 minutes each?
On the needles now: A pair of purple longies made of acrylic for a friend who does not cloth diaper but thinks they're cute :) It's fun designing something for someone else! And after that I plan to embellish the blue longies.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Felting Success!

Thursday, September 6, 2007
Felting Attempt #1
Anyway, I ran them through 2 washer cycles. After the first cycle, they just hadn't felted enough for me - still a lot of stitch definition. So I threw them in again, and when they came out there was no question they had felted, lol. So the question is, next time do I make them in a bigger size and felt 2 cycles, or make the same size and only felt 1 cycle, then maybe finish by hand? Argh, it's easier when it just works the first time.

Project #632: Felting
At least I found out that they'll be happy to let me use their yarn baller to wind up my 950 yards of sock yarn that has been staring at me in it's unwound state. I just cannot bring myself to hand ball that much yarn.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Teensy Tiny Longies

Saturday, September 1, 2007
Harvest Spice

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Short Rows Success!
Sorry, no pics yet. I have about 5" of the body done, so 6 more to go, then the will probably be a few days before the unveiling. I'm using Nashua Wooly Stripes in Fiesta. I acclimated this lovely yarn a few months back at the big semi annual sale at Bella Filati. They had tons of different yarns bagged together for a discounted price and I liked the orange so I jumped on it. I have TONS, so expect to see lots of orange/ red in the future, lol.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Short Rows Tutorial
I'm posting this basically so I have it saved for my reference later tonight when I'm agonizing over these! I think I understand the concept, and I've used short rows (without knowing that's what they were) in socks, so I think I can do it, the only question left being, where should I insert them.
Off to do more research....
And to figure out how to make up my own gusset...
Monday, August 27, 2007
A Matching Set
First up is something I sewed, not knitted. It's a little sundress, size medium but it's supposed to be about 13-16 lbs. The back straps are buttoned on and have 2 buttonholes so you can adjust the length of the straps, then there are two buttons on the back...I have to point those out because I think I found the cutest buttons for the job! The hem isn't quite finished, I have to handstitch it in place and I don't think I'm going to get to it tonight. I also have enough fabric left to make a matching bonnet (another new pattern), so that's my next sewing project.

Friday, August 24, 2007
Pink Pizzazz Longies

Monday, August 20, 2007
Skirtie with Undersoaker
Here is the undersoaker, which I knitted first

Here is the completed skirtie!
Here is a close up of the ruffle
The skirt lifted to show the undersoaker

And finally, this is how much pink I had left over (had to include that!)