My diapers are done and ready to go. Here is the final count of dyed prefolds. These were SO much fun, and I would highly recommend that anyone who isn't cloth diapering should dye their burp rag diapers just because it's fun and pretty!

And a pic of the whole stash: 18 prefold diapers, 12 fitted Kissaluvs, 5 covers (3 Thirsties, 1 Bummies, 1 Prowrap), 4 Pockets (1 DryBees, 1 Scooterbums Designs, 2 Swaddlebees) and 1 All-In-One (Swaddlebees). I also have 2 Snappi fasteners to use instead of pins, 4 Kissaluvs doublers to use as doublers in the fitteds or inserts in the pocket diapers, and a whole load of wipes. I sewed most the wipes myself - 1 layer of flannel, 1 layer terry. BTW, terry is quite messy to sew with and leaves little fuzzies everywhere - don't take it on unless you're ready for the mess all over yourself and your sewing room!
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