I've had lots of fun this weekend with the wheel - we've repaired broken leather and one of the bolts (not an original one, something that's been replaced) has been giving me some issues, so the hubby and I are working on getting it smoothed out. I've been having so much fun though!
I plied up my first skein last night, then kool-aid dyed it. The dye didn't take great, but the skin isn't so great either, so it was more just play. I have no idea what I'm going to do with that loosely plied 65 yards of mysterious wool, but I'll find something!
Your merino, that was spindled, right? How do you make a decent-sized skein? I keep winding up with small balls of yarn, not enough for a decent project.
I did it on a larger spindle - it ended up being close to 200 yards.
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