I haven't even been taking time to photograph my projects - bad, I know! But I have about 10 minutes before I need to leave this morning so I'll type fast :)
I am prepping for a craft fair with several of my friends, and my number one item will be swiffer covers...super easy, but they tend to bore me, so after doing 8 of them, I'm taking a break this week to finish up my swallowtail shawl for myself...need it before fall descends upon us anyway! It's made of cotton, so not too not, but a nice little layer over my arms when needed. I have another night, maybe 2, of knitting to finish it up. I'm also doing some baby items for the craft fair - hats, socks, etc. Just a little of this and that. I will be working a lot more on those, but I needed a break this week!
Earlier this week I tried a few reusable sandwich baggies for hubbies lunch...I just got them washed and ready to go, so they haven't been tried out yet, but they look nice! And if they don't work for bread, they'd definitely work for chips.
I'm also doing some sewing for the kids. Last weekend I made Toby a fleece sweatshirt for fall/winter - need to photograph it yet, but it came out very nice. I have material for another sweatshirt and a fleece vest for him, as well as some cotton for button down shirts if I get to it, and some corduroy for dresses for Lucy. So the machine will be very busy in the next couple weeks!
Last week one of my jewelry-talented friends helped me make some stitch markers - they are lovely, but I haven't taken photos yet - need to do that!
Ok, I feel better now that I've updated!
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