Sunday, February 1, 2009


I've been sadly neglecting my blog as of late! But don't take my lack of posts as lack of progress! January has been a busy month for my needles.

1. Baby blanket, hat, booties, and mama socks for a friend were all done and shipped in January. Pics to follow (they are on the camera)

2. Baby socks supposed to be for Lucy but they are too small so they will go to another baby.

3. Baby beret for Lucy - ADORABLE! Done but pics are on camera.

4. Mittens for a friend of Toby's - done, pics on camera (seeing a theme here?)

5. On the needles now - a jacket for Lucy. It's a really neat and original concept and I am excited about it!

6. On the spinning front, I finished my first skein and plied and set it. AND knitted it into a felted coaster (it's all it was worth doing with it, it was the ugliest skein EVER!)...but made a very cute coaster :) It's still drying. Have started my second skein. I have one single of yellow done and am working on a single of orange/red, and will ply the two together. Hubby is supposed to make me a big plying spindle, but we bought all the supplies and he never touched it :( So I am on hiatus waiting for him. I still have to finish my red single though so I will work on that a little every day. I also ordered more fiber today...I really shouldn't, but it was 35% off! Who can resist a sale like that?

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