Sunday, March 9, 2008

Man Socks

I finished my man sock! I don't care for the heel technique, but it was fun to try something different. It is packed up and ready to go to a new home tomorrow.

I'm still working on the Orange Baby Blanket. I love it already but it's going to take eons to make. I have 2 squares of 16 complete, and a 3rd on the needles.

I also found out recently I have 2 cousins expecting this summer/ fall, so more baby things to make! YAY!

Ok, so it's not letting me add pics right now, will add them later.


hook and needle said...

What yarn on the socks? I think I have the same stuff in my stash!

I saw that, about the PMs. I'm excited to see it in action.

I wanted to say thanks for stepping in on the circ thread and reminding folks that "cruel" is not a word to use lightly. :) I get so impassioned on that subject, I'm straining not to go all drama mama on it. LOL!

hook and needle said...

Chaos everywhere! AAAACK!

hook and needle said...

I'm sorry you are so frazzled. As annoyed as I am, at least I can just complain. :) You are in a tough spot, I don't envy you.

I didn't know about the surgery. Good luck, and don't worry about us. You need to worry about you right now. :)

Petite G. said...

LOL on your title "Man Socks"! I don't know if I ever properly thanked you for the socks but they are too cute! Mark loves them. It was so nice of you to make those for me. (well, him actually) I love you for it!
