This light blue set is for a friend having a baby boy. I love love love this yarn - Plymouth Yarns Oh My! It is seriously one of the softest yarns I've ever touched. It's 100% nylon, but just silky to touch - perfect for a baby. There's not much on a skein though so be forewarned!
The patterns are from Simple Knits for Cherished Babies. I am guessing size wise they're suitable for about 9 months.

Also, friend having a boy in April. I have 2 skeins of Patons Soy Wool Stripes in blue/ brown that I love. Maybe felted mocs? I have also been considering a baby blanket using the green Caron Simply Soft above and a bright orange, but I know I don't have enough, and I think the blanket would look better in a solid color.
3rd project in queue is a pair of socks for a friend's dh. I have the yarn already so I'm ready for these anytime.
Also coming - my new baby! For Christmas I received a swift and yarn winder. Beautiful! I haven't had them set up together yet, but the swift works like magic. I have a couple skeins here ready to be balled so I can't wait to get it all out and working - and believe me, there will be pictures! I was supposed to do that this weekend, but alas, a reflux baby leaves little time for play. Hopefully we will have her meds worked out soon so she is feeling better, and maybe soon after she will be on a schedule!
Sorry Lucia's not feeling great. I hope the meds get worked out soon!
I love Caron's Brites, I am using it for a baby blanket myself (the bright orange with a buttery yellow, so sweet!). I love the blue set, too. I have a bias towards boy gear, what can I say? :)
That Caron yarn is wonderful, isn't it? The orange and yellow sounds yummy! Can't wait to see it! You make more baby blankets than anyone I know :)
Just checked out the screen name thing. Huh. Weird.
Well, I DO love my MYOT name, so I'll be okay with that for now. And I have so many email addresses to choose from if I want to change it up. That's strange though. Hmmmm...
Are you going to stick with yours?
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